6 min read

"Wipe Out Worry: A Guide to Teaching Your Child To Wipe".


‌‌‌‌Let's face it, teaching your little one to become an expert in butt-wiping is a daunting task. ‌‌

Tush-wiping training - the elusive parenting topic that nobody wants to touch! It's the elephant in the bathroom, so to speak. Sure, people will tell you to make sure your kiddo knows how to wipe before they start school, but nobody ever follows up with actual, tangible advice on how to make that happen. Fear not, fellow parent! I have bravely taken on the task of teaching you the ins and outs of butt-blotting education. In a graphic and eloquent manner, I shall divulge all of the knowledge I've acquired over three rounds of wipe training. So don't worry, you'll be wiping like a pro in no time (and your kiddo will thank you for it)!‌‌

Let's talk about the posterior predicament we all face as parents, the uncharted territory of teaching our little ones how to clean up after themselves. It's like stumbling through a maze blindfolded, with no map and no directions. And when you ask for guidance, all you get are blank stares and useless advice like "it sort of happens" or "they'll figure it out." It's enough to make you want to throw in the towel and let them wear diapers forever. But fear not, fellow parents, for we shall conquer this challenge and emerge victorious, with well-wiped butts and a newfound sense of accomplishment.‌‌

As an advocate of child-led learning, I believe in empowering little minds to explore their curiosities. But let's get real, when it comes to potty training, mama's gotta take control. I mean, we're talking about bodily excretions here. So I devised a foolproof plan to ensure my carpets and nostrils remain unspoiled. And it's a plan so good, it's been passed down to other brave parents who dared to slide into my DMs for some wiping wisdom.

Helping Your Child Master Wiping‌‌

Let's talk about a major parental milestone: teaching your kids how to wipe. Before you throw them into the deep end, make sure their arms can reach the target. We're talking about wiping here, not playing basketball! Coordination is also key, so make sure they can handle the shocking amount of skills it takes to wipe. But most importantly, gauge their maturity level. Can they handle this major responsibility without getting overwhelmed? For my kids, this came around 4-5 years old, with the goal of being able to wipe before kindergarten. If traditional school is in their future, they need to master this skill ASAP. Let the wiping games begin!‌‌

Wiping Wizardry: Your Step-by-Step, Guide to Teaching Your Child How To Wipe

Ah, the joys of parenting - teaching your little one how to wipe their bum! It's not a glamorous task, but it's an essential one that will pave the way for their independent wiping future. So, let's dive into the three "pre-wiping" steps you can take to make this process as smooth as possible!

Step one: paper pulling and folding. The first thing your child needs to learn is how to get toilet paper, how much to pull, and how to fold it. Think of it as a toilet paper origami lesson! Show them how to fold it into neat squares or how to crumple it into a ball - whatever floats their boat. And remember, practice makes perfect, so don't rush this step unless you're a fan of clogged toilets.

Step two: narrate the process. Kids may think that butts get wiped by magic, but we know better, don't we? You need to over-share and over-narrate the process to ensure they understand what's going on. Explain the importance of wiping front to back and how to check if they're done. Don't be afraid to get technical - this is a butt-wiping lesson, after all.

Step three: open-door policy. If you're comfortable with it, an open-door policy can be a game-changer. No, we're not talking about a peek-a-boo session - just let your child watch and listen to you wipe and narrate your own steps. It's a win-win situation - they get an educational experience, and you get some company during your bathroom break. Just don't forget to flush!

So there you have it, folks - the three steps to prepare your child for a future of independent wiping. And who knows, with all this practice, they might just become a toilet paper folding champion one day!

Stage 3 - Taking the Leap Toward Independent Wiping

Hold onto your hats and don't jump ship just yet. Let's talk about the oh-so-important skill of wiping.

Now, I know you're eager to see your little one sail away into the sea of independent wiping, but slow down there, matey! There's no need to rush through the foundation of Stage 1 or the Scaffolding of Stage 2.

Trust me, skid marks and itchy butts are not the treasures you want to unearth on this journey. So, let's steer clear of those bathroom messes by taking it slow and steady.

When your child is ready to embark on the voyage of full independent wiping, don't abandon the ship just yet. Instead, stay in the bathroom and be their cheerleader on the sidelines. Give them a "courtesy" wipe, like a friendly wave from the shore, before they set sail.

The Courtesy Wipe is not just a kind gesture; it's an essential part of the process. It lets your child know that you're still there to support them, like a trusty anchor, as they navigate this new territory. Plus, it gives you a chance to check how they did and offer immediate feedback.

If you notice that their Courtesy Wipes are not quite shipshape, don't worry! It's better to tack back to Stage 2: Scaffolding and ensure they master this skill before moving forward. We're in this for the long haul, so let's make sure our little sailors are well-prepared for the journey ahead.

Toilet Triumphs: Stage 4 - Achieving Total Toileting Independence

Ah, the bittersweet moment of bidding farewell to the Courtesy Wipe - it's like watching your little one fly the nest, except in this case, they're just flying solo to the bathroom. As a parent, you've been through it all: the diaper changes, the potty training, and now, the final step toward total toileting independence.

It's a moment of pride and accomplishment, mixed with a touch of sadness. On one hand, you're thrilled that your child has mastered this often-overlooked skill, and you can finally retire from the wiping game. On the other hand, it's the end of an era - no more cute little bottoms to wipe, no more diaper-changing marathons, and no more wet wipes everywhere.

But fear not, Octolets, for this is just the beginning of a new chapter. Your little one is growing up and becoming more independent with each passing day. And as they embark on this journey toward adulthood, you'll be there to guide and support them every step of the way.

So, let's celebrate this milestone and share our tips and tricks for teaching kids how to wipe. Because let's face it, this is not a topic that gets enough attention. Let's break the taboo and talk about the nitty-gritty of parenting, the good, the bad, and the downright messy.

So, whether you use my method or have your own, let's join forces and help other parents navigate this often-challenging aspect of raising kids. Together, we can make potty training and toileting a breeze, one wipe at a time.

Personal blooper reel, a few funny examples of the mistakes we have made as we made the transition to independent wiping. I hope they'll give you a laugh as you manage your own family's transitions to independent wiping. For the sake of their future selves I won't name any names here (can you imagine the drama when they become teenagers if I do!):

The first time, I was showing one of them how to do it, they got a little too excited and ended up using half a roll of toilet paper! They had completed the bum wiping successfully but then decided to grab the end of the toilet roll and run out to show everyone that they did it... cue a half-naked little one running around streaming toilet paper behind them and proudly announcing to a room full of friends 'I did it!' ‌‌

Someone else got so proud they started offering lessons to anyone that happened to come into the house. In the UK we have gas and electric meters like many other places in the world. Guess who got asked if they wanted to know how to wipe properly? Yup, the meter person! ‌‌

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