4 min read

Tips on How to Encourage Kids to Eat

As a parent, getting my kids to eat can be a challenge. I want them to eat healthy foods, but they're often more interested in eating sweets and snacks. To encourage them to try new foods, I've developed some strategies that have worked well with my family. For example, one of the biggest ways we get our kids to try something new is by involving them in the cooking process - from picking out what ingredients we'll use, to helping prepare and cook the meal. We also make it fun by creating interesting presentations for food on their plate or allowing them to create art projects using their vegetables! It's amazing how much enthusiasm these activities can generate for something as simple as eating. With some creative ideas and a bit of persistence, parents can help their kids become more adventurous eaters.

Another great way to encourage children to try new foods is by setting a good example. If a parent is open to trying different types of food, the child may be more likely to follow suit. Also, making mealtimes an enjoyable family activity and talking about the health benefits of certain foods can help make these changes seem more attractive. Finally, I've also found that offering smaller portions of a variety of foods works better than one large plate of something they don't like. By introducing them to table etiquette and having conversations about healthy eating habits, we are setting our kids up for success in the future!

Is it simply a matter of being picky?

It's essential to understand what the label of 'picky eater' really implies and that there could be more than one underlying reason why children stop eating. A picky eater is usually someone who only desires to eat the same foods repeatedly or won't try anything new on their plate.

While everyone else at the table enjoys a variety of meals, they would rather stick to the same old chicken nuggets or ham and cheese sandwiches. Oftentimes, their hesitance is attributed to a lack of interest in new tastes and textures.

When it comes to food, limited preferences and other issues like gagging or difficulty swallowing or chewing may arise. This isn't the norm but could be a sign that something more serious is going on.

Whatever the case, never try to force your child to eat, nor should you become a 'short order cook'. The best approach is to offer a variety of healthy foods at each meal but also include some of their favorite choices.

If they don't feel like eating everything on their plate, let them have what they want - as long as it's nutritious! Keeping things positive will help them develop healthier eating habits in the long run. Encourage them with words and avoid pressuring them into trying new dishes. Eating shouldn't be stressful; it should be a pleasant experience.

Avoid late dinners

Getting a child to eat when they are sleepy and restless can be difficult. To make mealtimes more successful, try to plan them away from bedtime or before/after an activity. Don't worry if this leads to multiple meals throughout the day - it's totally fine!

Increase your thinking

It’s important to recognize that you are the one in charge when it comes to the food choices in your home. Instead of worrying about limiting sweets and treats, consider adding more nutritious options instead. Having healthier snacks readily available can help set your kids up for success; be sure to stock your shelves with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products. Doing this will give them the opportunity to make positive dietary decisions every day!

Establish a timetable for meals and snacks

It's important to ensure your child is eating regularly throughout the day. The recommended schedule should include three meals and two snacks, along with plenty of fluids. This will help keep them energized, their mood balanced, and their diet well-rounded. A great way to make sure you have healthy snacks on hand is to take a cooler with you when you're out and about with your children.

Reserve mealtimes for family time and dining

Encourage your child to maintain proper table etiquette by setting a good example. Explain the importance of eating together as a family and ask them to remain at the table until everyone has finished their meal. Discourage playing with toys or using electronic devices, reading books, or watching television while at the dining table. Helping your toddler understand these rules will help ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to mealtime guidance. Show them how enjoyable meals can be when everyone follows the same guidelines!

Make the most of your mornings

Breakfast is the perfect opportunity to get more fiber into your family's diet. Start with high-fiber cereals for an easy way to boost your intake. Or make a batch of whole-grain pancake and waffle mix that can last everyone all week – it’s a delicious and nutritious way to start their day! Adding more fiber to breakfast meals is a simple solution that will have long-lasting benefits for your family’s health.

The goal of any parent is to help their child develop healthy nutritional habits, and this can be achieved by setting positive examples in terms of both the foods that are served and the attitudes with which they are provided. Parents should never force a child to eat something they don't want, but instead, strive to create an atmosphere where children feel empowered to make their own healthy choices.

Parents should focus on the quality of food they offer more than the quantity and strive to provide a variety of flavors, textures, and colors that will engage their taste buds and make them feel excited about mealtime.

Finally, it's important for families to recognize that this is a journey that requires patience - children's tastes change over time and mistakes are inevitable. If you need help or guidance along the way, please join us by clicking on this link https://linktr.ee/ottotheoctopus where we can come together and share tips and best practices for helping children learn to enjoy healthy eating habits!  Together we can all make nutrition easier for our families!