10 min read

Encouraging Your Kids to Enjoy Eating Vegetables, Is It Even Possible?!

How To Encourage Your Children To Eat Healthily

As parents, we all want our children to make healthy decisions when it comes to what they eat; however, it can be difficult to both encourage and inspire kids to do so! We want them to make the right choices, but many of us struggle with this challenge ourselves...

I know that when I get home from work all I want is to eat a bag of chips in front of the TV. How can I judge a 7-year-old for wanting to do the same?  Well, I am the adult, so I have to lead by example and try to minimize my own intake of snacks at home (although I must confess, I still sneak a few snacks in at the office – shh don’t tell them!).

Encouraging healthy eating habits in our children is a crucial part of setting a good example for them and helping them establish lifelong patterns that will benefit their health and well-being. By taking the time to explore these tips on how to promote nutritious eating amongst your family, you can help create an environment where everyone benefits from the positive choices being made. From practical meal planning advice to finding new ways of engaging your kids with food, here’s how you can encourage your children to make healthier dietary choices.

The Benefits of Healthy Food for Kids

Making healthy choices in your child's diet can have a profound impact on their overall well-being. Beyond just maintaining a healthy weight, these nutritionally balanced meals can help them to stabilize their moods, sharpen their minds, and even prevent the onset of mental health conditions. Eating right will also support your child’s growth into adulthood as well as lower their risk of suicide.

But getting kids to eat healthier foods can be difficult given the power of peer pressure and ubiquitous advertising for junk food. It’s important to remember that it is possible to reprogram young ones to embrace nutritious options rather than processed snacks.

Nourishing and wholesome foods have the power to shape your child’s relationship with food and can set them up for a lifetime of healthy eating habits. Don't let yourself think that you have to drag your kids into healthier choices – they can be taught to love nutritious foods just as much, if not more than, unhealthy treats. It’s true that children are naturally drawn towards junk food, but it is possible to reprogram their taste buds and create a lasting bond between them and healthy meals.

The earlier you start establishing these positive habits in their diet, the easier it will be for them to sustain this connection into adulthood. You don't need to make mealtimes difficult or stressful; with the right tips and guidance, you can foster a love of healthy foods that will remain with your kids into adulthood. Nourish their bodies and minds with every bite, for it is the food you feed them today that will shape their future tomorrow.

Encourage Healthy Eating Habits

No matter how young or old your child is, they will naturally gravitate towards the foods they like. To ensure that their diet is healthy, the challenge is to make sure nutritious foods are attractive and enjoyable.

Involve children

Encourage your kids to join you on grocery trips and in the kitchen! Take this opportunity to show them the variety of food available, and, for older kids, how to decipher food labels so they can make informed decisions. Cooking together is a great way to bond while also teaching them some invaluable lessons.

Rather than focusing on individual meals, you should consider your diet as a whole

Make more of your meals at home

Cooking at home can be a great way to ensure your kids are getting the nutrition they need, as restaurants and takeout meals often contain more added sugar, salt and unhealthy fats. Try batch cooking - making larger portions all in one go - so you'll have enough food for the whole family for several days. I often spend Sundays cooking multiple meals with the kids, then freezing things for the weekdays. When they are involved in the process it really helps to manage expectations, ‘on Tuesday we will have the Lasagna we made on Sunday…’ no more tantrums because they made it themselves (kinda!).

Okay real talk, I don’t do this every week! I am so grateful during the weeks I get around to it, makes life much easier… but life does get in the way sometimes. We are all human, especially me.

Become a role model

The best way to promote healthy eating habits in your family is to lead by example. Kids look up to the adults in their lives, so by choosing nutritious meals and avoiding overindulging in unhealthy snacks, you're sending an important message. Additionally, when it comes to portion sizes, model moderation rather than overeating. You can talk about how you feel full after a meal with younger children; for instance, "This was really delicious but I'm feeling satisfied now so I'm going to stop." On the other hand, if parents are constantly dieting or criticizing their own bodies around kids, this normalizes an unhealthy body image in their developing minds, and can have a negative effect on their eating habits too... more on being a role model later!

Focus on diet rather than food

Getting your kids to eat more whole, natural foods and fewer processed snacks is a great way to ensure they're getting the most out of their meals. Packaged and processed items may be convenient but don't provide the same nutrition as fresher options. Make it a goal to introduce your children to wholesome, minimally-processed meals whenever you can.

Make nutritious snacks readily available

Make sure your fridge and pantry are stocked with nutritious items like fruits, veggies, and healthy drinks (water, milk, and 100% fruit juice) so that your kids have no excuse to indulge in sugary snacks like soda, chips, and cookies. If it isn’t in the house, they can’t eat it!

Make Mealtimes About More Than Just Healthy Food

Taking the time to enjoy a home-cooked meal as a family can be so beneficial! Not only does it encourage healthy eating habits, but it's also an easy way to bring everyone together - even those moody teenagers that can be hard to please. Delicious food is sure to lift their spirits.

Mealtimes let you watch how your kids eat

If your teen's diet isn't up to par, emphasizing the short-term consequences might make a bigger impact. Explain that eating healthy will help them look and feel their best - and can even boost their athletic performance and academic scores. Let them know that calcium is essential for growth and iron helps with brain power. Showing teens how good nutrition affects them now can be more motivating than thoughts of future health issues.

Socialization is essential for your youngster

Taking the time to have meaningful conversations with your child during dinner can do wonders for their social development, conversational skills and mental health! By talking to them about how they're feeling, you open up a dialogue that helps reduce stress and improve your kid's mood and self-confidence. Plus, it's an opportunity to identify any potential issues in their life so that you can address them sooner rather than later. It's amazing what a simple chat over a meal can accomplish.

The coziness of family meals

The thought of the whole family gathering to share a meal - whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner - at the same time each day can be both comforting and exciting for kids. Not only will this special time together create lasting memories, but it also helps promote healthy eating habits and increases appetite.

Mealtimes let you "teach by example"

Eating together as a family is an excellent way to model healthy eating habits. Share nutritious meals and portion sizes, while being mindful of indulging in junk food every now and then. Most importantly, try not to talk about calories, dieting or your own weight. This will help ensure that your children don't develop any negative associations with food. Remember I said we would talk more about being a role model later...  well I found this really hard at first because I am always wanting to/thinking about going on a diet… then my therapist asked me ‘was your mom always on a diet or complaining about her self-image?’ That hit home real hard. I love my mom, but she was! I realized I must have internalized and normalized the behavior very early. I don’t want that for my kids. I want them to be healthy and happy but not worried about their self-image.

Stock Up on Healthy Foods

Okay, I know we kind of covered this a little bit already, but it's so important I wanted to go into more detail, especially because it was really a change that had to start with my own purchasing and eating habits… not easy!

Kids, especially the younger ones, will eat whatever is available in their homes. That's why it's so important to pay close attention to what food items you have in your kitchen – meaning that you should serve nutritious meals and tasty snacks.

  • Include lean proteins such as fish, eggs, beans, and nuts. All of these options are great sources of protein that can help fuel their body.
  • Make fruits and vegetables a part of their daily routine by aiming for the goal of at least five servings each day. Make sure that every meal includes either a fruit or vegetable or two
  • Did you know, in the UK the government recommends 5 veggies or      fruits a day for everyone?
  • The US Federal guidelines are 1½ to 2 cups per day of fruit and 2 to 3 cups per day of vegetables? I didn't!
  • Encourage your kids to opt for whole-grain bread and cereals to get an added boost of fiber in their diet! Whole grains are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients that help keep them healthy.

Instead of completely cutting out your kids' favorite snacks, why not make them "treats" that are enjoyed only once in a while? This way they won't feel like they're missing out, and you can still limit their intake of fast food and low-nutrient foods such as chips and candy. It's a win-win. Be careful with this though, reward-driven behavior can have a negative long-term impact on motivation and dopamine levels in adults and children! Rewards shouldn’t be the main tool to motivate children, or yourself. Use them in moderation!

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5 Tips for making veggies appealing to kids

Getting your children to make healthier dietary choices can be tricky, especially when it comes to fruits and veggies. But don't worry – with a bit of creativity and some clever strategies, you can encourage your kids to make more nutritious food choices! Start by limiting their access to sugary snacks and salty treats; this will make it easier for them to view healthy options like apples with peanut butter as tasty treats. Here are some additional tips that can help you get your kids excited about eating healthier:

1. Become sneaky

Adding vegetables to the meal doesn't have to be hard! Why not try grating some carrots or zucchini and adding them to your muffins for a nutritious snack? Or how about throwing some grated veggies into the meatloaf for an extra dose of goodness? Soups are also an easy way to get in those health benefits without spending all day in the kitchen - the cooking time mellows out the flavor of the veg, making it extra tasty.

2. Spiralize Veggies:

Another great way to get kids eating more vegetables is by spiralizing them. This turns zucchini and other veggies into fun noodle shapes that kids often find much more appealing than regular cooked veggies. Do try to avoid pre-packaged spiralized veggie noodles as they usually contain added ingredients like sugar and oil and can be relatively expensive. Instead, opt for a hand-held spiralizer which is cheaper and allows you to control the ingredients in your child’s meal. For even more flavor, top off the noodles with a delicious homemade sauce or healthy pesto!

3. Serve a delicious dip!

Instead of reaching for chips and processed snacks, consider scooping up something far more nutritious - fresh vegetables! Try out different veggies such as carrots, bell peppers, radishes, jicama, or snap peas. Dip these into a delicious dip of your own making by mixing Greek yogurt with lemon juice and herbs. Or you could enjoy pre-made dips like hummus, guacamole, blue cheese or salsa. Research shows that children are more likely to consume their veggies when served with a tasty dip – so it might just be time for seconds.

Have you ever tried jicama's? They are lovely, I only just heard about them from a friend, give them a try sometime.

4. Buy fresh food and cook it right away

Nothing beats the taste of fresh, vibrant cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. For optimum flavor and texture, it's best to buy them as close as possible to when they were harvested. Try to avoid keeping them wrapped in plastic or stored near fruit - both can cause these veggies to become bitter over time! Carrots, squash, and parsnips can also suffer similar fates if not stored correctly.

5. Choose baby varieties

If you're trying to create a delicious dish, consider buying the baby varieties of vegetables! Baby carrots, for example, tend to have a sweeter flavor than their mature counterparts. This is because of their age and size – they haven't had as much time to develop more complex (and sometimes stronger) flavors. So if you want to add some extra sweetness to your meal, why not give baby veggies a try?

The most important thing to remember when it comes to encouraging your children to eat healthily is that everyone has different preferences and needs. Be creative and take the time to experiment with new ideas, flavors, and textures. Make sure that healthy eating is seen as a positive experience for both you and your child – it’s all about making nutritious meals fun! Finally, don’t forget to be patient; establishing healthy eating habits takes time, but you can make it an enjoyable journey for yourself and your family.

As a parent, I know how difficult it can be to get your kids to eat healthy snacks and veggies. But with a little bit of patience and some creative thinking, it is absolutely possible! I've found different recipes that my kids actually enjoy eating, like veggie noodles and homemade sauces. And by providing healthy snacks throughout the day, I'm consistently working toward helping my children make better food choices. It may not happen overnight, but don't give up! Keep trying new things – you'll eventually find something that works!

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