4 min read

Raising Resilient Children: Strategies for Building Inner Strength and Confidence in Kids

It can be difficult to see our children face setbacks and hardships. But the truth is that we don't always have control over what life throws at them - and learning how to deal with adversity is an important part of growing up. Teaching kids resilience and confidence does not come without its challenges, but as parents, we can strive to instill these positive traits in our children.

I recently experienced this, when my daughter faced her first big disappointment - she had tried out for the school play and didn't get a part (not even the donkey!). I was heartbroken for her, but at the same time, I wanted to use it as an opportunity to teach her how to deal with disappointment and move forward. We talked about how everyone experiences disappointment, and how the best thing to do in such a situation is to accept it and try again. In the end, a few days later my daughter did end up being cast in a smaller role, which she was really excited about - and I felt proud that I had been able to help her cope with her disappointment in a positive way.

Raising resilient children is an important part of parenting, and with the right strategies, we can equip our kids with the inner strength and confidence they need to navigate life’s ups and downs.

What exactly does "inner strength" mean?

Resilience or inner strength is a gift from within. They can be cultivated to help us navigate the many challenges life sends our way. To build a foundation of resilience in children, it is essential for parents to provide them with opportunities to learn how to use their inner strength effectively. This could involve seeking out professional assistance or simply engaging in activities that encourage children to embrace changes, plan ahead and remain calm in difficult situations. Inner strength is all about teaching our children to stay strong and accept life’s hardships with grace. It helps them cultivate the courage, resilience, and determination needed to face any challenge that comes their way. With inner strength, we can help our children grow into confident adults who are ready to take on whatever life throws at them.

Encourage Kids to Ask for Help

A resilient person doesn’t always have the capacity to recover from daunting experiences on their own. Reaching out for support is essential, and it can often be difficult for children in particular to do so. Asking for help can feel intimidating for many reasons, but parents can assist kids in developing this ability by displaying examples of when they have requested assistance in their own lives. Additionally, parents can strive to create a safe, open environment where children feel comfortable coming forward and asking for help when they need it. When kids do come to them, it is important that the parent be supportive and understanding.  This can be a powerful lesson for children and help them become more resilient.

Consider the Life Experiences That Have Shaped You

It is always beneficial to nurture your child's inner strength. A great way of doing this is to share stories of your own life and how you faced difficult times with courage, strength, and resilience. By giving them an understanding of the ways you dealt with adversity, your child will be equipped with valuable knowledge that they can use in their own lives when faced with a challenge. Both parents should come together to provide examples of creative solutions that the child can use to overcome any difficulty they may encounter.

Allow Kids to Make Errors

When your child does a less-than-perfect job on a project, it can be tempting to jump in and help them. Though it may be hard, try taking a step back and allowing them to make mistakes. Rather than rushing in as the hero, remember that our children learn best through their own experiences and errors. This is how they build resilience, an essential life skill.

Plus, it's better to allow our children to make mistakes now when the consequences are small than wait until they have more serious results. Don't forget that your child won't always have someone by their side in life to ride in and save them. Letting them learn from their own experiences prepares them for the future, and teaches them that failures are stepping stones on their path to success.

Develop Relationships That are Supportive

Having strong relationships can provide a lot of protection during difficult times. Parents should not just dictate their children's social life but instead guide them in developing healthy relationships. By communicating with their kids about how to select friends, be a good friend, and resolve issues, parents can help their children learn the foundations for creating successful connections. Moreover, these lessons can be invaluable as children grow into adults.

Help them Concentrate

Teaching children to focus is an essential life skill. During difficult moments, kids must learn to hone in on the problem at hand and see it through until a solution is reached. A lack of concentration can lead to disastrous results and distract them from finding a proper outcome. Being able to remain calm yet focused during times of distress will give them the strength they need to prevail in any situation. Instilling a sense of focus in our youth builds resilience and prepares them for the challenges life can bring.

Raising resilient children is not an easy task, but with the right strategies and techniques, parents can help their kids build inner strength and confidence. Perhaps the most important consideration when raising resilient children is providing kids with a safe and encouraging environment in which they can learn and grow. Through communication, positive reinforcement, understanding, encouragement, and love, parents can help foster resilience in their children.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or unsure of how to start, don't worry! You can join this link https://linktr.ee/ottotheoctopus for support and additional advice on raising resilient kids.

With the right tools and attitude, parents can help their children become strong and confident.