2 min read

How Do I Help My Disorganized Child? Tips and Tricks for Parents

Do you often find yourself tripping over toys, clothes, and books that have exploded all over your child's bedroom? Is it a daily struggle to find missing items like backpacks, lunch boxes, or homework assignments? If this sounds familiar, your child may struggle with disorganization, significantly hindering their academic progress and daily life. As a parent, it's essential to help your child overcome this challenge and develop the necessary organizational skills. This blog post will explore some effective tips and tricks to help your child stay organized and thrive.

‘’Every morning was a challenge in our house. Trying to get my son out the door for school usually meant searching high and low for his shoes, backpack, and even his homework assignment. I knew he needed help with organization if he was going to succeed academically and socially, so I set about finding solutions that worked for him. Through trial and error, we eventually figured out ways to help him stay organized and thrive.  ‘’

Start small and prioritize

The first step in helping your disorganized child is to start small and break down tasks into manageable steps. Instead of tackling an entire bedroom full of chaos, start with a small section, like a desk or a closet. Prioritize what needs to be done first and encourage your child to work towards a goal. Celebrate successes, no matter how small, and keep building on them over time.

Create a routine

Routines can be a lifesaver when it comes to staying organized. Sit down with your child and create a daily schedule that includes time for homework, chores, and free time. Ensure your child understands the importance of sticking to the routine and being accountable for their actions. Set reminders and use visual aids like calendars, checklists, and timers to reinforce the routine.


A cluttered environment can make it difficult to stay organized. Help your child declutter their space and get rid of items they no longer need or use. Encourage them to donate or sell what they can and make space for things they love and use regularly. Remember, less is more when it comes to organization.

Teach problem-solving

Teaching your child to problem-solve can help them overcome obstacles and stay organized. Encourage them to ask questions and think critically when they run into challenges. Help them develop solutions and strategies to overcome problems, like finding lost items or completing tasks. This will help them develop important skills they can use throughout life.

Model organization

Children often learn best by example. Be a role model for your child by demonstrating organizational skills in your own life. Keep your home and workspace organized, and let your child see how you prioritize tasks and manage your time. Encourage them to help you with chores around the house and praise their efforts. Remember, children often learn best by doing, so give them opportunities to practice their skills.

Helping your disorganized child may seem overwhelming, but with a little effort, patience, and creativity, you can help them overcome this challenge and develop essential organizational skills. Start small, create routines, declutter, teach problem-solving, and model organization. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination, so celebrate progress, no matter how small. Eventually, your child will become more organized, efficient, and confident, and these skills will serve them well throughout their life.