3 min read

Celebrating Differences: How to Teach Your Child to Embrace Diversity

Every person is unique and should be celebrated for their differences. Kids are observant and often notice differences—in others or in themselves. So, how do you help children talk about differences and understand how to interact with others? Teaching children about diversity and inclusion can foster self-confidence and respect for other cultures, beliefs, and values. we'll explore creative ways to help your children learn about differences and understand how to interact with people who may look different from them or have unique experiences.

Introduce Positive Language in Everyday Conversation

It's important to normalize positive language when discussing differences with your kids. For example, instead of using phrases such as "disabled". Instead refer to everyone as a person, regardless of their differences. This kind of positive language will help create an environment where everyone is accepted and appreciated for who they are. Additionally, avoid labels at all costs; words like "special needs" or "differently abled" are not only outdated but also alienating. It is hard to always keep up with the right language to use, it seems to change very often now. Instead of worrying about making sure I am using the latest language, I instead focused on acknowledging differences, but still referring to everyone as people or a person with a different perspective.  

‘’My daughter Aiko loves to talk about her best friend at school who has a visual impairment. She loves learning about how they help him use his other senses to do the things he wants to do. His experiences have made her more aware and open to different perspectives. ’’

Encourage Curiosity & Empathy

Encouraging your child to be curious and empathetic will help them appreciate others who have different life experiences than their own. Ask questions like “What do you think that person likes?” or “How do you think they feel?” This will give your child an opportunity to make assumptions about people based on their interests and feelings rather than physical attributes or visible traits. Additionally, helping your kids recognize similarities between themselves and those around them can be beneficial in promoting kindness towards others versus making assumptions based on prejudice or stereotypes.

Role Play & Read Books Together

Role-playing scenarios with your child are a great way to get them thinking critically while also having fun! Take turns playing characters with different life experiences, ask each other questions about why certain decisions were made by each character, etcetera - whatever might come up in conversation during this role will give you insight into what your kid is thinking/feeling in regards to interacting with people who are different from themselves. Additionally, reading books together that feature characters from diverse backgrounds can be a powerful way to introduce concepts such as empathy and acceptance into conversations with children - regardless of age!

At the end of the day, teaching kids about accepting differences don't have to be intimidating or overwhelming - it can actually be quite fun! Through simple activities such as role-playing scenarios together, introducing positive language into everyday conversations, and asking questions that encourage curiosity and empathy towards others - parents can easily provide their children with the tools they need in order to interact respectfully with those around them regardless of any visible differences they may have! By taking the time now to discuss these topics openly and honestly within our families - we are setting our kids up for success both now and in the future when it comes time for them to interact successfully (and respectfully!) within their communities.

If you’d like to learn more about helping children become emotionally intelligent, join our community at https://linktr.ee/ottotheoctopus. Here we have a range of resources available to empower both parents and children with knowledge on how to navigate through life’s challenging times together! Let's make sure our future generations are emotionally equipped - it starts with us!