4 min read

Call me, maybe? What to consider before buying your child a cellphone

As parents, we always want to keep our kids safe and connected. And with the widespread availability of cell phones, we can easily stay in touch with our children no matter where they are. But while giving your child a cellphone is convenient, it also comes with a lot of responsibility. Cell phones are powerful tools that can be used for good, but they can also be risky if not used properly. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss some of the key considerations you should keep in mind before deciding to get your child a cellphone.

‘’It was a bustling Sunday afternoon, and the warmth of the sun rays that were seeping into the living room invigorated both me and my daughter, Hannah. We were immersed in yet another one of our weekend heart-to-hearts - a ritual we'd both come to cherish.

Like most teenagers, Hannah had been pining for a cell phone for quite some time, and I could hardly ignore her persistent hints. I couldn't help but remember my own experiences in the yesteryears of communicating with friends through letters, landlines, or just chatting after school. But as much as I wanted her to appreciate the luxury of technology, I knew it was essential for her to understand the responsibilities that come along with owning her first cellphone.

So there we sat, sprawled across the cozy living room couch, sipping on our homemade lemonades, engrossed in a thoughtful conversation.

"Dad, you know having a cellphone will make it easier for you to get in touch with me, and vice versa," Hannah proposed. I couldn't argue with the logic - the convenience of staying connected was indeed one of the primary reasons to consider it.

"You make a good point, sweetheart," I nodded in agreement. "But owning a cellphone entails responsibilities too. It's essential to maintain a balance between virtual connections and real-life interactions."

Hannah listened intently, nodding with understanding. We went on to discuss several factors - selecting the right device, learning the features, understanding etiquette, and smartphone safety tips.

"You know what, Dad? Let's create a list of 'phone rules and etiquette' that I promise to follow if you agree to buy me one!" beamed Hannah, her enthusiasm contagious.

And so, within the inviting ambiance of our sunlit living room, Hannah and I co-created her 'Cellphone Bill of Rights.' She made a list covering factors like screen time limits, responsible usage, and online safety practices. It was a moment that marked the beginning of a new journey.

Today, as I look back on that warm Sunday afternoon, I am grateful that we bonded over the seemingly mundane task of buying a cell phone. It not only allowed my daughter to appreciate the value of technology but also set the stage for an ongoing dialogue about the digital world that surrounds us.’’

What age is appropriate?

The first thing to consider is at what age you should give your child a cell phone. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as it depends on the maturity level and needs of your child. Generally, kids start asking for phones when they’re around 10-12 years old, but you may decide to hold off until they’re a bit older. It’s important to have an open and honest conversation with your child about why you’re considering a cell phone and what rules will be in place once they have one.

How will you monitor their use?

Even once you’ve decided to give your child a cellphone, it’s important to establish rules around how they can use it. Will they be allowed to use it during dinner or homework time? Will they be allowed to download whatever apps they want, or will you be monitoring and approving them first? Will you have any kind of parental controls in place? Figuring out the answers to these questions beforehand can make the transition to cellphone ownership much smoother.

What phone should you get?

When it comes to actually purchasing a cellphone for your child, there are plenty of options to choose from. Do they need a basic flip phone, or do they require a smartphone? Will they be using it primarily for texting and calling, or do they need it for school work or entertainment purposes? These are all factors to consider when selecting a phone. You may also want to look into getting a phone plan that offers parental controls and usage tracking.

How will you educate them about online safety?

One of the biggest concerns with giving your child a cell phone is the potential for online dangers. Before you give them a phone, make sure they understand the importance of digital safety. Talk to them about the risks of sharing personal information online, the dangers of cyberbullying, and how to handle inappropriate content. Establish clear rules around what kind of content is allowed and what isn’t, and encourage your child to come to you if they ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

What are the consequences of misuse?

Finally, it’s important to have a frank discussion with your child about the consequences of misuse. Let them know that having a cell phone is a privilege, not a right, and that there will be consequences if they break the rules. Be clear about what those consequences will be (losing phone privileges, restricted usage, etc.), and make sure your child understands that the rules are in place to keep them safe.

Giving your child a cellphone is a big decision, but it can also be a great way to stay connected and safe. By considering these factors before making a purchase, you can ensure that your child is set up for success with their new device. As with any parenting decision, it’s important to be proactive, communicate openly, and establish clear boundaries and expectations.